Thursday, March 12, 2009


Tonight we learned about using Inspiration to create our outline. I think this will work great. Dr. Zeitz has an example up for us to follow. Outlining will help to organize my thoughts. Right now, my thought are pretty scattered and it will be good to start actually putting things down on computer :o)

I have found about 12-13 references from journal articles. I have also done some looking on Marc Prensky's website.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Tools for Citing :o)

Tonight in class we learned two different tools that will help us when citing our sources for our research papers. First we learned the Cite While You Write (CWYW) which is a feature in Office 2007 (WIN) and Office 2008 (MAC). I think this tool will be very helpful for me because I am out of practice in my writing. Secondly, Chris showed us Zotero. Zotero will help while I am searching for resources. Another great technology tool!